Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Swiss Mennoniteo!
It's time I wrote a word about my Swiss brethren....
Looking back on the many a road that this life has lead me down there is one thing I've realized will always be identified as... A Mennonite.
I'm not saying this with any distaste by any means but right now I'm sitting with a bit of a culture clash among my Mennonite family.
You see, I've been to Paraguay, Belize and back and can fit my way into which and whatever stream I'd like to identify my self as. But this last year I've come to know and love another break away baby of our dear Father/Mother Mans/Grebal. Although we were separated at birth this is my Swiss brethren.
There's a good number of roots radical Mennonites spread through out and within out great Northern Canada. At first glance I thought that many of them may be 'black bumper', Reindlander or whatever other sub sub break off church we might want to label our selves as. At first I was guilty of throwing down the broad label of 'conservative' Now I've come to know them as so socially conscientious and terribly sincere brothers and sisters who rigorously live to break barriers to make brothers and sister of those who need a want family. It's such a stupid thing to stigmatize a head covering and over look such solid individuals giving up their whole lives for a Northern people I've come to love. I'm not talking about or simple summer camps or legitimate MCC projects but rather giving up a life once known to build, contribute and plant redemption to a community where the wreckage of hurt and untrust linger.
There's some things a lot more innocent and honest about these Pennsyvana/KitchenerWaterloo Mennonites. It's ... its hard to say exactly what it is but I think it's just an honest love for GOD's heart and finding themselves in a place where GOD's heart is going out too. It didn't take years of suicide statistics or the occasional foster kid trickling down to our white south to call them to the north .....it was where GOD's heart was before during and after the evils of residential schools. So legitimate GENERAtions of Northern Mennonites have lived and loved in much of the farther north for so so long. Not in a stagnant colonial duplicate life but marring, sharing and just living till honesty and trust prevailed over systemic separation. It was an awesome day when one of the 'to my eyes' native kids was so stoked to find out she was distant cousins with a Swiss (Kitchener) Menno volunteer.
The Mennonite Game lives on through Apartheid!
Back to that pervasive honesty. I think it comes, in part, from being who they are and not trying or caring to be 'cool' or particularly relevant. I think the Church and Western (Russian) Mennonites particularly have been trying so hard to be accepted by common society that they've become slick and sterile and in many ways striped of what our defining feature is, our first Love! GOD and the truth of the gospel.
It makes far more sense, to me, to prove your love to someone by talking, sharing and honestly speaking from your love relationship (with Christ)than first putting on your cultural mask and demographic makeup and convincing one that you're a part of them and then talking about Christ and how great HE is.
That's what I think they've got ........... a strong personal/social Christ identity.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Do you love me?
"Do you love me....?"
"No, do you love me?"
"Yeah, but do you love me?"
Not how much do you love me. Not in what ways do you love me. Not even are you willing to learn to love me. Do you straight up love me?
"Yes, I love you."
"Jesus, you know all things you know I fricking love you"
"Then feed my sheep.
If you want to be a child the rest of your life go on. If you want to 'look good' and follow fashion like and infant mind, be my guest. If you want to span the globe to see places that amaze you like a spoiled kid with an attention deficit, go right on. But I will sincerely doubt your love for me if you don't feed those starving scattered sheep. The time has come to an end when you could do whatever you want.
My sheep and lambs need love and care."
John 21
Monday, September 14, 2009
Lets all hate Winnipeg!!!
Lately I've been noticing that a lot of people in Thunder Bay hate Winnipeg. Which I took as a simple jest and poke; as a little brother pokes fun at his "jerk" of an older brother, or as Manitobans treat and talk about Saskatcheweners. We, the proud Peg city dwellers, being unaware of the biases towards us treat the situation with indifference, because of the weak and hardly audible voices of our insignificant counter parts (ie Thunder Bay). Now if you're a proud Manitoban you'll still be hung up over how I refereed to Saskatchewan as the 'bigger brother' (not in pop. 'being the bigger man') which sits strange for me as well, but if you've ever conversed with those strange Saskers (ones that haven't lived in Winnipeg and had to grow a hyper provincial pride) it's the shaking of a fist at a stranger who knew no problem. Lately though I've been realized that these quaint home town rivalries don't parallel the Thunder Bay hate.
This past week my pastor had a sermon where he linked the wanderers laments of the Hebrews peoples Exodus through the desert to the desolation he felt on the banks of the red river. I was willing to hear his story out and wait patiently but when he started quoting the weakerthans in stateing..... 'I hate Winnipeg' I felt it was me time to interject, and so some gentle boo*ing set him straight and the sermon back on tracks. Its funny I had no trouble on minus forty nights walking down Portage or back up Spence from school singing that song that curses peg city, but as soon as others trash on where you're from the fists come up........ however I've been having a hard time raising fists to some of the last complaints on Winnipeg I've come across.
Almost ever kid (that I've met through the centre) that has some brief affiliation with Winnipeg has horror stories to tell. Seriously crazy shit! Brothers joining gangs and never being heard from again, guns being pulled on friends or near anyone, theft on full families, burning of houses with full families, abduction, rape and just this last week I listened to two different accounts of youths having witnessed their friends murders; all in Winnipeg. Straight up cliche stuff that you kind of know "happens" but your 'better' or 'convenient judgment' convinces you else wise. 'April Raintree' or 'Under the Ribs of Death' stuff; both the only books I know written about Winnipeg both with the greater theme being death.
My 'better' or 'sound judgment' is telling me to cut in and let you all know that I got clearance from the individuals who shared these events with me to share them with you all. However now I'm having a hard time communicating the bitterness of the concluding remarks of one of the last Winnipeg conversation I had... it ended along the lines of ............ "I'll never go back to that city".
I seriously still don't want to believe half of terrible things that I've heard about Winnipeg, and actually acknowledge the dichotomy that city has. I know that these things happen in all sorts of major urban centres, but to know that I lived in that city for a year and a half (not avoiding 'rough' areas but intentionally moving to them) and still haven't been able to crack the core of the city and help from within the hurt, seems rather sad.
I feel insulated by status or notoriety. Which I take as great blessings I've done little to nothing to receive. I'm not by any means trying to strip away all that I've been given to give (blessed to bless) in the order of an unbias sterile education of poverty, that would just be building an insincere mask of poverty in order to 'relate' and not give credence to the fact that I will probably always have consistent family/state of mind that will be willing to help me out of pockets of poverty I might reside in. I just want to help from within the hurt. Which I believe is a Biblical/Honest model.
I'm not sure when I'll be called back to Winnipeg again but it's something that sort of scares me. It's a complicated fear. Its the fear of urban dissidence. Spending my time entertaining myself or making money to entertain myself. It would just feel unnatural avoiding all of the issues that I know occur in Winnipeg. I'm not saying I'm the saviour for a city by any means, it would just feel, I don't know unnatural. Kind of like seedless watermelon or a developed shore line, there's something behind that's not sustainable, full or completely sincere.
Like I said it's a complicated fear. Its the fear of feeling like we all; living in the south end or being the fringes sitters of Winnipeg.... hex even those in our trendy downtown, are doing exactly as 'Sam K.' refers, and 'are' that golden business boy/girl watching the North end die. (Sam K. being the writer of 'One Great City'(song earlier mentioned))
I'm not trying to write as a judgemental outsider who sees all that's wrong with 'that place'. I'm acknowledging that I'm a Winnipeger that has played along with the apartheid that we keep with-in our perimeter.
I've been writing the word 'feel' several times throughout this entry and I don't intend to. What I'm trying to communicate is something beyond feeling -- that is meaning.
There was a random man that Jesus loved. He obeyed the commandments and Jesus loved him. Then Jesus said...... 'give to the poor'.
I'm assuming that you all who are reading this can understand with me that what is meant by 'give to the poor' is not a cop out for 'give to the poor in 'spirit' ' and skip the sacrifice so that I can go for a round at the links and witness to my friend at the country club.
I'm assuming that you can read Jesus' words for what they were.....
Your body your mind your emotion and soul ...... "give to the poor"
Mark 10 NIV
post script ... I got clearance from individuals to share these views/experiences 'on Winnipeg' before I wrote them down.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
...... a novel.
......I just painted .....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
"Why are you still so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
Slightly strange form of travel for those that might be slightly strange.
Dangerous ........? maybe
Death wish.........? unlikely
A prophet for modern times and a dear person, I'd like to think could be my friend said.....
...... After I was done with Seminary and "studying" the Bible my class mates and me came to understanding that we didn't actually have to risk our lives for GODs causes we only needed to be "willing" to.
-Heavily paraphrased by me but idea from a lecture by Tony Campolo
I'm into week two of my eastern/greatlakes tour. My travels being due to an exceptionally slow mid summer at the youth centre (I work at) and an insisting itching in my feet. I left last week monday for Montreal with very little belongings and a open plan. Why Montreal.....? mostly because I have two friends summering there and it's as nice a place as any to spend some time in. I had some tentative ideas on how I was going to get to Montreal but also an underling hope for adventure that a three hour flight wouldn't quite complete.
After receiving the personal affirmation I needed from GOD I decided to hitch, believing that.......
What's the point in having an All Powerful GOD if you don't live like you believe it?
So lets raise our communion glasses and risk our lives to the word that ............................when faced with a storm shouted to us the church.....
"Why are you still so afraid!!!!!!? Do you STILL have no faith!!!!!?
-Jesus Mark 4:40
Monday, June 22, 2009
Social Stratification in bits and pieces
S.E. Hinton ....... Start and finish to "The Outsiders"
.........one of the most masculine books I've ever read. Seriously had everything; orphaned brothers struggling to survive, knife fights, murder, gang brawls, train hopping, and an epic police shoot out, all in a jubilant but sincere depiction of the struggles of classism.
Then after I was done it, I found out it was written by a seventeen year old girl.
Sometimes I think that girls know more about what makes a good man than a good man knows about himself. That might be complete crap though.
The Update....
It occurred to me that you all might be wondering what I've been up to and so I thought I might give you a short update rather than a rant on social inequality.
I got a new room mate this month. A great gentleman named David Janzen who just competted the International Beard growers competition in Anchorage Alaska and who also has some rather b.a. tats and an exceptionally headless faith. The picture is of the two of us. Oh he was also my partner in my first attempt to bike from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay, .... title name 'Glories defeat'.
This last board meeting I was promoted from Coordinator to Director. Which doesn't change a whole lot except for affirmation from the board and the expectation that I'll be able to implement some longer term plans. Also it'll look radical on a resume.
I've been rather busy over the last month, and my blog writing has apparently gotten the the greater portion of neglect. I've been exceptionally busy finishing fundraisers for a trip that will be paying the way for a group of us to go to a 'Native leadership' conference. A lot of the kids are really excited. It'll be really good to take the a few of them, that are still around Thunder Bay for summer, on a road trip to the central states. That's another thing, the drop has had a lot fewer kids as of late, due to most of them going north to their communities for summer. However they blessed me beyond belief with their fair wells. It was one of the last days of school when we were closing and I had to kick out near 40 kids that were trying to make up any excuse not to leave. There was seriously something so spiritual about a group of kids that didn't know each other a few months ago and now just plane not wanting to leave the community that they had built here.
Unfortunately, once they got back home to their reserves many of their communities were placed under 'lock down' due to 'swine flu'. Its a sick and sad world when 'high society' global travelers can carry a disease that leaches onto the 'already open wound' of people in poverty, while the carriers remain insulated from the curse they carry. The rich and white have their urban health care while we lock the doors on our forced forest ghettos.
I've spoken with a couple of kids in 'Sandy lake' (was on National the other day for four confirmed deaths) and they said that they weren't terribly worried yet, but they knew the people who had died and some kids and adults that where infected.
The book 'the outsiders' (for those of you who don't know) is about a town in the mid to late fifties and street wars between 'Socs' (teenage social elites) and 'greasers' (poorer 'street' kids). I've always loved the idea of 'greasers' vs. 'jock/soc' contention partially because of the quaintness of old time white hoodlums but also because of how 'clean' the conflict is and was. There was no arguments about race or religion just straight up "you're rich and have all the breaks and I hate you for it" and "you're poor and hopeless and I'm going to make sure you know it". Classism.
I don't think that those who have money acknowledge or even know how huge an economic divide there is. Or just how meaningful money is. I hate saying that but it's true, that money honestly does make and take lives. In so many ways I'm still so ignorant to the power and affluence that I've been born into, or even understand how much of a struggle it is to move up the social ladder.
Here's a quote from the book...
"It wasn't fair for the Socs to have everything. We were as good as they were: it wasn't our fault we were greasers. I couldn't just take it or leave it, or ignore it and love life anyway, or harden myself beyond caring, or actually enjoy it. I felt the tension growing inside of me and I knew something had to happen or I would explode...... I can't take it much more, I'll kill myself or something ... I got to do something. It seems like there's gotta be someplace without greasers or Socs, with just people Plain ordinary people"
The Church should be that place.
The other day I was at a powwow and was introduced to someone by a mutual friend. She smiled politely and said ..."I don't talk to white people."
The Soc and Greaser divide is a elementary example of how deep a rift there is between privileged and underprivileged and how much more contention there could be over ethnicity and generational systematic oppression. It's an example how needed the church is to speak 'OUR MESSAGE OF THE ENORMITY OF GRACE' to this Huge human hurt through divide. And then, in hope, the ENORMITY OF GRACE OFFERED BACK in forgiveness and reconciliation.
ps I didn't really know who Paul Newmon was but here's a link to a scene, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb1d017bgsk&NR=1 , Truly Historic!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
When clouds gather over good growth.
I want to accurately explain the pain that I've witnessed in the recent months. I've had a number of men open up with me in huge ways over the last while and it's sincerely awful to know how much a broken up family can destroy Men's lives. Men made to 'fix', 'provide' and built to 'help' that now need to fight in every way this 'good' that they can't seem to construct. I know explaining this won't ever put those feelings in you but if you can remember, make up or conger your feelings the first time you watched a powerful man cry, its similar.
Two things
The first is, prayer and GOD's graces to a member of my fellowship who just now after 9 years from the passing of his significant other is able and ready to move on. The big HS showed up and helped out in our last Bible study, but theres so much forgiveness needed for ones self, after years of dwarfed growth in self pity. But good things to those who face and heal their wounds.
The second, my dear friend Chico, whom many of you have come to know, has hit a rough spell again. Four days ago he had a dream that customs was going to find and haul him off. Three days ago that happened. He's really not doing that well and if you'd like to send some prayers his way that would be very necessary. He's in a detention centre right now and is seriously facing deportation. Regardless of his children being Canadian citizens. It really doesn't look good, they hauled him off in cuffs and it's not often that Federals step back on initial actions.
The worst thing
I think that if Pol Pot or John Wayne Gacy or any other notoriously awful men had had a conversion experience at the end of their lives they might feel worse but right now the hugest hurt I have ever seen, to date, is that of a man needing to acknowledge that the best thing for those he loves most is his absence.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Academia, the apple of my eye! ....................if only for a weekend.
To Steinbach Bible College and the pursuit of learned wisdom, at a Mennonite policy and price.
"It doesn't matter how slowly you go it's that you go" - Lao Zi
I try to remember this when I remember the truth that it's taken me 5 years to complete a 2 year diploma at my motherlands great state to faith, SBC. In all honesty though, I have no regrets at half a decade to travel/work/ministry/life in community and pretty much any other portion of the last 5 years.
I've just returned from one of the most SBC-y highs of my life.
The encourage fest started out with an alumni brunch and a friend playing the fiddle to the most classic of worship songs. Then I went with my parents and sister (the one in Canada) to a banquet for four In which I was honored to have Dr. Hiebert give a short outro to my on and off, love affair with the school. FIVE years of bantering in and out of Bridal school halls and my dear, but still SISTER was my date..... A bitter hearted HURRAH for a life of spiritual celibacy. I could really appreciate the evening though and could totally see the spiritual in several hundred gathered in faith and good company. I suppose it's been a while.
Then on Sunday the 26th, the Graduation. I spent the good portion of the time schpat-ing with Russ Reimer and catching up with Blaine Dueck. Its a little known fact that some of the best men in the world live in Belize. Then it was my turn to shake hands and smile at the crowd. Unfortunate for me, I was one of the few that didn't make it to the rehearsal and unfortunate for everyone else, I was the first up to receive my diploma. I jumped the gun and went for the stage before my name was called. Apparently I was supposed to wait in line until I was formerly addressed; it was fine and funny. Then after the cerimony I shook a line of eternal handshakes with well wishing strangers. Which was fine and fun.
One day later I was back in Thunder Bay and expecting a visit from a crew of my fellow grads and students. Every year there's a group of musicians and actors, from the school, that write a musical and then tour with it in one direction. This year they came East, and I booked them in 'the bay'. The highlight of the evening, for me, was when Malcolm Monro (from split lake northern MB) busted 3 testimonial tracks. The guys rapped his faith story.... seriously ill! The drama with musical interludes was terribly emotional and seriously awesome. Then the rest of the evening the crew of 15 student performers dispersed and mingled with the kids. I've often wondered at how well unassuming Aboriginal people seem to mesh with non-confrontational Anabaptists.
Then, today, I received a line of intense hugs and a gave a prayerful goodbye.
There's something deep in my blood, about my people. Its a complicated kindness and a peace that describes many.
So in the end of this Bible blaster chapter; I have a paper stating my diploma, my mind as affected and infected as I've allowed, a hoard of 'likewise' friends to spend the rest of my life making Mennonite connections to and two mugs with my school name on them.
Thanks LORD.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The kind of pain that sits below the heart and just behind the lungs and doesn't feel like it will ever leave
I want to start at the end of Jonah. The great vomited missionary had just forgotten the lesson we love to remember. A whole Nation State, One Hundred Twenty Thousand repentant people brought to their knees at the very first words of GOD. Then after seeing the power of GOD in repentant people, finds himself in a cranky place east of Nineveh. All it took was his withered shad on a hot day for him to wish against his life.
Then these words from GOD.....
"You're troubled by this vine that you did nothing for. But you've forgotton the Thousands of people in town that still don't know right from wrong, shouldn't I be concerned about them?"
I'm trying to speak about emotion beyond a cranky mood. A while ago I said, in a sulky mood "Every time I feel like crap I think about the millions of people that have a hundred more reasons to fell like crap. People who suffer moral evil.......failed marriages, loss of children, abusive relationships, a thousand harmful addiction.... people who suffer Natural Evil ..... famine, disaster, drought, disease and ultimately poverty. Then I feel even more like crap and can't believe my selfish reclusion."
I want to finish this message but right now I need to gather my thoughts.
(2 days break)
Alright I'm back to finish my thoughts.....
Over the past several days GOD has been busting people wide open right next to me. I've been praying for this for a while and I'm glad I'm getting to a lot of heart issues with a couple friends, out here. HURT is basically the big issue that many of them are facing and how to deal with that hurt.
Today I was speaking in a church about the 'drop in' and a lady that was listening said that as soon as I started speaking her hand started hurting. She said that a while ago her hand was cut pretty bad but it healed and it hadn't hurt in a really long time; until I started talking, then she said it was throbbing. She interpreted this as prophecy that while I'm working at the 'drop in' there will be a lot of people that will look fine and feel healed but that the pain will come back.
There's a couple of friends that I've met, in town, that are here with 'sobering up programs', that found their way into alcohol through huge human hurt. I can understand and sympathize (not condone) getting 'hammed' to cover up unexplainable pain (suicide, family violence (stuff that no person should have to live through)). The kind of pain that sits below the heart and just behind the lungs and doesn't feel like it will ever leave. The sort of hurt that's humanly devastating and not just a personally interpreted.
As I said, I can understand getting 'ham faced' when it's covering huge human hurt (death and disillusion). But I can't comprehend 'good time drunks', that have a relatively healthy life but just want to have fun fast; that's just ecstasy gluttony.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A few words on Chico
Well a number of months ago I introduced to you a fellow that was quickly introduced to me.
Now I've realized that, introducing an amazing man with an amazing story, needs an amazing amount of follow up.
One more note of amazingness. Really cool how many of you want updates on his story and how much his stories have touched you all.
I was able to visit with this good man today at 'the farm' (medium security prison). Yes he is currently in prison and was sentenced near a month ago. Sorry for the delayed update. The sentencing went really well, the judge was very deliberate and took a great deal of time considering his case and showed a lot emotion in his final verdict. The verdict it's self was 5 months (comes to only 3 months) jail and 18 months probation!!! Which is pretty much the best that we all could have hoped for. So back to my visit with the fellow today. He was in really good spirits and said that his jail time would be a breeze. He's pretty enigmatic and I guess found some friends on the inside.
I don't know how all of your Easters went but mine was truly heartfelt. For some reason the joint emotion and sacrificial suffering, in the lead up to Good Friday, meant something big to me this year.
It may be easter Sunday but Sunday's still coming!!!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
People for People.
Hey all, I was featured a couple weeks ago in a article/event night that was held at a local church. It was really great. Check it http://peoplecafe.wordpress.com/. It was mostly an interview that I had with some people from the church. Info on what's up and how things are going.......
Here's just one of the many interesting questions asked........ (actually I sound kind of self inflated, either way read about how arrogant I am then.......)
How do you think your work will impact Thunder Bay in say, five years?
Scott: Thunder Bay is exploding in Aboriginal population, double the birthrate of people of European descent in Canada, and in Thunder Bay it’s so obvious. Native people are moving into the city left and right, and it’s a rough transition for some of these kids, being apart from their family. Boarding parents are alright, but they’re only here for a few months so they don’t really plug in. And a lot of these kids come into the city kind of confused and are expected to pull off really decent grades to keep their funding to stay in the city, and just on their own do homework and keep up with their studies and stay out of trouble when there’s just a mass of confused youth all in the city together. And they’re expected to keep out of trouble and all they’re given for entertainment for a week is like twenty bucks or something. And there’s just not so many great activities to keep them occupied while they’re here, so many of them end up dropping out and have to leave. So transitional community is really needed for so many of the kids ‘cause it’s really easy to get distracted…
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Chico ... life and times
Hey everyone, I just wanted you to all know a little more of what's going on with Chico. He's going for his sentencing this coming Monday the 9th with a follow up sentencing possibly on the 11th He seems to be really on edge lately and has been having anxiety issues and awful dreams relating to the trial and his fas approaching future. As of this point he's willing to take whatever the sentence will be and seems okay with doing some (hopefully) short time so that he can get out an onwith his life, and hopeful role in parenting his daughter. We've been having some of the best conversations lately and he is really conectin in crucial way with some of the vounteers. So many life questions!!!(He's Sooo Hungry and so close).
I know you all have3 been praying like mad for Chico, I can totally see so much that has happened because of it and ultimately GOD's work Please keep it up, especially Monday.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Greeting!!! Thunder Bay Mission Festers!
Just letting you know that if you would like to contact New Hope Youth Centre, email me at newhope.scott@gmail.com. We are in the process of constructing a web cite and if you would like to be contacted when its completed please send me a message. This is more of a personal blog and so you'll find very little information about NHYC. Sorry for the confusion, but thanks for the interest.
Our mandate is “to provide the best outreach for Thunder Bays First Nations Youths, through life giving relationships”. It’s through these ‘life giving’ relationships that we believe we can share and welcome, what’s needed for a holistic life.
Again if you would like more information please inquier at the attached email address.
Things I've busied myself with include.....
-- Helping my friend Chico with some of his preparations before he goes to the big house (on a side note his daughter has been loving up the time that he's been able to spend with her)
-- snowshoeing
-- Youth service that the youth centre put together
-- poster and presentation prep for the centre
-- sharing in a quick visit from some home town boys
-- being completely amped and blown out of the waters at a friends decision to love Jesus. Seriously wish I could talk for an hour about this one. I'm still in awe of GOD and young ones love for a discovering the LORD!!!
-- hanging with V-teers and youthers at local gatherings
-- helping out at the church where I can (Sunday school/worship)
Now for a matching game....
Guess which picture matches with the pre-stated points. Hint .... very few of these match
Monday, February 9, 2009
Some random things I've said today
Board meetings are like this. It starts to rain out side and you're like "Yes rain! I can put on my bright green rain jacket and go walking in the rain". Then, after you're walking for a while, you realize that it's not ordinary rain, it's acid rain! And your once bright green jacket fades with your other shirt to make a base beige.
On another note it rained in Thunder Bay today. It was eery.
Another thing I've said...............
The only way that Im going back to Europe is if I was to get married (to whom ever I'm going to get married to) in Moldova, Bike Iceland, or when I have my mid life crisis I'll go to switzerland and tour the roots radicale spread of Anabaptism, to remind myself that this world and the love of GOD and devoition to Truth are beyonde my life and aren't limited to time. Those would be the only acceptable reasons for me to go there.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Great things to and from friends, GOD and a host of prayer.
Wow, thank you all (on behalf of Chico) for all the prayer and well wishes. He'll totally need some more prayer though, as he goes on to his sentencing in early march.
I'm also shocked to hear how far this story has gone.
Apparently the story of a friend in desperate times and the power of prayer, inspired one of my friends to express her care and concern through communion cup art!
If you'd like to check out her other art it's at http://kyladonkersgoed.blogspot.com/.
Thanks again for being a community that cares.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Nishnawbe = Northern Ontario First Nations family
I went to my first pow wow a couple of weeks ago and it was seriously killer times. It was really awesome to be with so many people and share in such a rich and distinct cultural party. I was a little leery about going to it initially (spiritual reasons) but when a friend of mine, who was dancing, explained that a pow wow just means 'a gathering' I was more game for good times.
I've experienced a lot of really cool things over the last while, from going to sweat lodges to and listening to mournful words and songs at first Nations funeral to laughing my face off with people I hardly know in an Ojibwa class, I've had such a rich time with so many people I have only recently begun to know.
I really love so much of this culture, how honest and vulnarable so many strangers have been with me has been such a good culture shock. I love how quick to laugh (even at ones self) so many people are. There's seriouly a lot to love, so many of the kids are so talented and so proud of who they are and the hope they carry for their people.
You can pray for me as I learn, teach, love and share with this culture, but if you could please keep the Northern Nishnawbe people in your prayers, in hope and thankfulness, it would be great. They're really great.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Just love
My friend Chico (the lad I introduced to you all in last weeks episode) got out of prison today on bail! When he called me on the phone, I confusedly asked "Chico how are you calling me? you got out how?" The only thing he said back was "hey man you prayed".
Yes! Prayer!!!
Apparently this was his last chance to go up for bail and word got out through his landlord that he has made a lot of life changes lately and so a social services group heard about his case and decided to help the brotha out! Seriously guys this is a miracle because he was charged with three accounts one being resisting arrest. Apparently they never let someone out on bail if they were resisting arrest. That charge was total bull though, I was there when he was being arrested. I guess GOD and/or the judge saw through it. This means that he'll be able to make whatever arraignments he needs to before his sentencing. He will have to go back to prison again but this will at least give him some time to be with his daughter (the reason he's changing his life) and prepare himself for whatever will come after jail. He's still running the risk of being deported but now with the next couple months out of jail he'll be able to set himself up right for whatevers coming. Thank you all so much for praying for a guy you don't even know, he told me he really appreciates it.
I don't know how all of you relate this sort of story or sentiment to GOD but I often have a hard time reconciling GOD's love and justice. I should explain what I mean by love and justice. A lot of the time I see two faces to GOD; 1. a strict father figure that requires punishment and death for everyone who sins (ultimately everyone born), and the 2nd face being a really nice old grandpa that I know loves the crap out of me and I can't help but love back. I know its a dichotomy of a Good GOD, but sometimes my humanness just wants to disassociate the one from the other. I'm taking a theology course, through distance ed, and I found a couple paragraphs in one of my readings that really helped me understand this tension. The author (Erickson) said "if love does not include justice it is mere sentimentality" he goes on to say that justice if not implemented through love is just being a bully with 'the rules'. I don't know if you'll see what I mean through tying this story to my understanding of GOD but I think that GOD is a lot easier to understand when we see HIM at work in a situational story like this. On the one hand my friend Chico knows what he did and he's willing to pay what he owes to the good he didn't serve. Fully knowing and accepting that sin (wrong) requires a payment. But then GOD busts out an awesome loving act of letting Chico out of jail, for a little while, so that he can love and share with his daughter at least for now.
"Thus, justice is loving justice and love is just love."
Erickson Millard J. CHRISIAN DOCTRINE, Baker Achedemic, Grand Rapids Mich. 2003.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Chico, my friends...
LORD help me to speak with tact and an honest heart.
Know that in no way I'll be able to explain and expand on my current emotions, and the situations that have recently gone down. Just pray for a good friend of mine (Chico), and know that he's asking for prayers and well wishers, while he finds his place in a human holding facility.
Chico was my first well wisher upon my return to Thunder Bay and in less than a week, through a half hug and a cheep word of hope I had to say my good byes.
This is a story of a truly awesome individual and his journey from Ecuador to Canada, some regretful choices and the only promises being kept in life, being the promise of a life on the streets.
His life has been changed and changed and now seemed to be finding a consistent pace. He was able to kick some habits and find some new friends and programs to help him clean up for his daughter. He seriously lives for his daughter, I really don't know if I'll ever have that kind of love for someone, she was honestly ALLLL he had. But after an argument over custody with is ex, things were said, actions made and he found himself out of hope and possibly out of his daughters life. This was still over the summer, and now in a frustrating court hearing he found out he could be in a lot more trouble than expected. He has been able to see his daughter on and off through out the year but is not the current care giver and is having so much trouble with the person who is (not the mom). Another problem he's had is with Child and family services and the fact that the current care giver would honestly be a decent parent(which even he admits is good), but this care giver still is not the mother or father. And so Child and family seems to want him to give up on his daughter and let this other person raise his kid. He comes from messed up family situation and has never known a father or mother of his own and he can't bare the thought of his kid having the same life.
Unfortunately this last night brought him more misfortune and misunderstanding. Basically he said something to someone about still wanting to be a part of his daughters life, that someone passed it along to his ex and she took it as a threat, calling for an arrest under a breach of restraining order.
So this last night I spent with Chico talking, praying and frustratingly waiting for some arrogant jerks to come in, tell him that if he says anything they'll use it against him and demine him to cuffs. These guys were seriously such jerks. What I really didn't like was they came in asking question without listening to the answers. So I thought I would help everyone understand but I was told I was 'obstructing the peace' by trying to explain through Chico's Spanish accent. Then when I questioned the definition of 'obstruction the peace' they said they could define it however they felt; which was total shat! So I said "really you can make up laws on the spot?"... after that the tension mostly dissipated. But I got so pissed again when after they had him in the car they talked about who would bring him in to 'get a domestic' ; I guess they have some sort of a-whole points on the force.
Another person I have a very hard time not hating is a Mr. Hopkinson, his 'defense' lawyer that he had 2 days earlier at his court hearing to settle the past restraining order. This man may be over worked and under funded but the fact that he carried a complete lack of emotion a non-repentant or simpatico candice as he carried forward a case he was not prepaired to forward, made me want to puke all over his face. I couldn't believe that his client didn't know the Crowns allegation, what he was going to plead, even his options made me so sick; the only words he was giving was Jan. 12, 9AM be there. The whole hearing was a joke, there was no address from the defendant no witnesses questioned, just an ill prepaired lawyer and a very very confused man who did not know what tomorrow would hold or what was going on. The fact that the rest of his life is altered by a single verb... 'guilty'...... blows my mind. The whole hearing, I couldn't believe that this was it. That this short confusing and one sided 30min session could be the determiner of lives (his daughters and his).
This life is seriously E-ffed for a lot of people.
Ignorance may make a man into a criminal, but it doesn't make him into a sinner.
Pray for this man!
Pray that he won't be deported
That he won't find his way back to
the life he came from,
and that he'll find/keep the hope that
has brought him so far from where he
has been.
He knows that I'm writing this and is so close to understanding how great grace is.
Leviticus 19:34
34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Okay Oh Nine!
.... and so I keep it in my heart all year.
That good friend Christmas won't be far from my thoughts in this new year, as I'm sure that this was the most anticipated season, since my great fifth grade Christmas experience.
It was more than an honor to celebrate in the only place I know how to...... Winnipeg! and the cold open prairies. My heart goes out to those far from home in this past season of "..... if only in my dreams."
My Christmas season was busied by having to work most days I could, start work on some distance ed courses and more importantly Family and friends!! Family and Friends!!! I am so grateful I have family and friends.
Especially Church family and friends, it was really great to hear the interests and questions taken, so that I could gush about Thunder Bay and the awesome ways GOD is engaging out here.
In a list of highlights, I wish to share somethings that will make these holidays so easy to remember.
1. Christmas night fights.
2. SNC and the best Christmas candle lit rap/dance party of my life. Bust'in out to Felice Natividad will not soon be over looked in my books.
3. My material side being fulfilled on a early morning boxing day Camera buy. Never again Stephan but thanks for the motive.
4. The uber ethnic gifts I received.
5. Making, giving and sharing presents. Then telling stories about them.
6. James and Scott Christmas album number 1.
7. A birthday Rap for the thug to be. Elliot (Aka Crime fighter Aka E-breezy)
8. Sharing and being in a family! My family!
Now in a new 'year of our LORD' I'm very content to be back in T'bay, and looking forward to what GOD's got for NHYC (New Hope Youth Centre (where I work)) and me. My resolution for the year is entitled 'take time to make time'. That is, take the time to do things that'll save time later (financial planning, organizing(I know far less exciting than last years resolution (see a moose, which I saw two of on my way back to t-bay))).
So after a post Christmas and egg nog low, I'm here to say................
Okay... OH Nine!