"Do you love me....?"
"No, do you love me?"
"Yeah, but do you love me?"
Not how much do you love me. Not in what ways do you love me. Not even are you willing to learn to love me. Do you straight up love me?
"Yes, I love you."
"Jesus, you know all things you know I fricking love you"
"Then feed my sheep.
If you want to be a child the rest of your life go on. If you want to 'look good' and follow fashion like and infant mind, be my guest. If you want to span the globe to see places that amaze you like a spoiled kid with an attention deficit, go right on. But I will sincerely doubt your love for me if you don't feed those starving scattered sheep. The time has come to an end when you could do whatever you want.
My sheep and lambs need love and care."
John 21